After wrapping up the Indian Premier League last week, Virat Kohli jetted off to New York for the T20 World Cup 2024. His travel partners were the usual suspects - actor-wife Anushka Sharma and their kids Vamika and Akaay. The family of four was spotted at the Mumbai airport. While Anushka didn't pose for the cameras, Virat stopped and posed for the lensmen stationed there. He also asked the shutterbugs not to capture the actress as she was with the kids. The cricketer sported a white T-shirt teamed with a beige shirt and denims. Anushka, on the other hand, was dressed in a black T-shirt and blue denims. In one of the viral pictures, Anushka and Virat are seen posing with the airport staff. Take a look.
Two days ago, Virat Kohli enjoyed a dinner date with his actor-wife Anushka Sharma, along with fellow cricketer Zaheer Khan, his actor-wife Sagarika Ghatge and cricket presenter Gaurav Kapur among others. Several photos and videos from their dinner date have been doing the rounds on social media. In one of the videos, Anushka and her friends are seen exiting an eatery. The actress was all smiles for the camera. She can be seen dressed in a white top layered with a matching shirt and faded blue denims. Virat, on the other hand, opted for a black shirt teamed with grey pants.
Virat kohli and Anushka sharma snapped with Gaurav kapoor, zaheer khan and Sagarika Ghatge for a dinner at Mumbai#viratkohli #anushkasharma
— 𝙒𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙣 (@wrognxvirat) May 28, 2024
In another viral picture, Virat and Anushka are seen posing with the restaurant's staff.
Earlier this month, Virat Kohli hosted a lavish birthday party for his actor-wife Anushka Sharma. Several unseen photos and videos from Anushka's 36th birthday have been doing the rounds on social media. The soirée was a dreamy pink affair. Among the myriads of beautiful elements were the pink-themed table arrangements, adorned with an array of delicate props and embellishments. From fairy lights to pearl-adorned plates, candles, and photo frames with floral imprints, every detail spoke of sophistication and finesse.
For the unversed, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma got married on December 11, 2017. They are parents to two children - Vamika and Akaay.
from NDTV News- Special
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